Hello there, Football Family!
For those of you I have not met yet, my name is Karmel Harper and I am the Team Mom for the 2014 season. As Team Mom, I will serve as the main liaison between you, the parents, and the coaches. While every single one of our coaches are always happy and willing to address any questions and concerns you may have, their first priority is getting the boys in top notch shape as individuals and as a team both physically and mentally for every single game.
If there are any administrative concerns and questions not related to the actual game itself (practices, game locations, schedules, snacks, events, fundraisers, uniforms, etc.), I will be happy to address them for you.
However, if there is an issue that can only be addressed by Dave or another coach, please pull them aside privately after practice is over so you don't cut into their practice time.
We are so happy to have most of our team back from last season and we would also like to take this time to welcome our new players: Joseph Hansen, Christian Berroteran, Ryan Terry, and Tristan Sweet.
In addition to this blog, you will see a link to our Facebook page on the right which was created last season. If you have not done so already, "friend" this page so you can be added. The Facebook page is the place to post photos and comments and will also include updates on new blog posts.
-Please click on the link to our Team Roster which is a Google document that has every team member's contact information. Please review this carefully and make any necessary changes and additions. You can edit directly on to this document. This document will also serve as a resource to contact other parents to arrange carpools.
-While I will be sending out emails regularly, the primary mode of immediate communication will be via text message. Please double check that every cell phone that needs to be included in the group message (like step-parents, etc) is there.
-PRACTICES: Practices are at Washington Elementary Monday through Friday from 6 PM - 8 PM from now until August 22. They will move to Tuesday and Thursday from 6 PM - 8 PM and Fridays from 5 PM - 7 PM starting August 25.
PLEASE BE ON TIME to every practice so we can start AND end on time.
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT EVERY PLAYER PARTICIPATE IN EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE AND GAME. However, should a conflict or illness arise, please contact a coach or myself as soon as possible.
The coaches and players put a lot of time and commitment into our football season to ensure its success so we request that you plan your trips and vacations after the football season.
- MONDAY, August 5 (Tomorrow) 5:45 PM: Please attend a quick parent meeting prior to the start of practice at Washington Elementary.
- August 16th - Weigh Ins (Tentative Date)
- August 16th - Brave Lunch & Silent Auction (I will be gathering your donations for our team's auction basket in the next couple of weeks - theme TBD)
- August 30th - First Game
-We are also a planning a team kick-off party in the next couple of weeks so be on the lookout for those details.
-Once I have the game schedule, I will then create and post a sign-up document on the blog for game snacks (half-time and post game).
-We are looking into another alternative other than SportsFilmz to provide video for each game. More details on that to follow.
-Black pants: Like last season, we will have black pants again for the games (in addition to the red that is given with the uniform). If your son has outgrown his from last season, they will need a new pair. We are working on getting a reasonable supplier for this. For those who have outgrown their pants from last season, please let me know as there may be another team member that can use them for this season.
-Jerseys and embroidery information to follow.
The coaches and I are extremely excited for this season. While our boys are talented and our coaches are fantastic, it is YOU the parents that ultimately help our team be strong and cohesive by getting your son to practices and games, helping out whenever there is a need, and offering support, feedback, and constant communication throughout the season.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. My direct cell phone is 801-721-8665.